Transport Services - Connect2

Open hours

Open hours

8am - 3pm : Monday - Friday

Vehicles due to be collected from or returned to Transport Services (George Porter Building) should be collected or returned before 3pm.

Contact us

Transport Services

Location : George Porter Building (enter via EFM Helpdesk), Wheeldon Street, S3 7HQ

Phone : 0114 2229289 / 29288 / 29172

Email :


Useful links


Welcome to Connect2, your new online vehicle booking system

Transport Services welcome your booking requests for both the short term hire electric vehicle fleet and a wider range of hired in car and light commectial vehicles.

If this is the first time you have used this service, please contact Transport Services by telephone on the numbers below. We will conduct a very quick licence check and grant the necessary permissions for you to book vehicles directly using the Connect2 system

We are happy to discuss your particular business use transportion needs directly and can be contacted by e mail at or telephone on 29289 / 29288 / 29172.

Further information provided by the Transport Service can be found by clicking the above useful links


Transport Services Team